/* TEAM */ Cammy (webmaster badger boy) Email: mariteaux@somnolescent.net Site: http://cammy.somnolescent.net From: Pennsylvania, US Caby (warmcore hippie capybara) Email: caby@somnolescent.net Site: http://caby.somnolescent.net From: Wales, UK Lince (plushies and comp sci) Email: dotcomboom@somnolescent.net Site: http://lince.somnolescent.net From: Minnesota, US Savannah (cryptid drawing cryptids) Email: fwd@somnolescent.net Site: http://fwd.somnolescent.net From: Ontario, Canada Devon (all about what used to be trendy) Email: devon@somnolescent.net Site: http://devon.somnolescent.net From: Poland /* THANKS */ DreamHost (for all the fantastic, affordable hosting!) Site: http://www.dreamhost.com Location: California Cramble, sushi, and Jake (for sticking around all these years) Sites (respectively): http://cramble.somnolescent.net http://twitter.com/sushipantsu http://deleteyouremails.com (hope this one stays up) /* SITE */ Language: English (with bits of Welsh, Polish, and Spanish tossed in) Standards: HTML 3.2 and up, Netscape JavaScript, Python 3, PHP Components: Much fewer WordPress installs Software: Notepad++, Clip Studio Paint, FireAlpaca, Visual Studio, AutoSite, Microsoft Works Word Processor, GarageBand, Vivaldi, Retrozilla, and one kind of furniture polish All: From the UK